Monday, February 6, 2012

Merry Christmas! (in February!)

I haven't been in a blogging mood lately, but I finally took my very first sick day at FOX5. And to keep my mind off this nasty stomach ache, thought I'd think happy Christmas thoughts!

The iPad really needs to come up with a better Blogger app. As my friend Matt would say, this is totally a white girl problem, but I want to write captions for pictures! Instead, I'll just number and explain!

1. My coworkers and I all got fabulous FOX5 jackets and gift cards!
2. My boss gave me these fabulous monkey socks. I'm wearing them now, perfect sick day accessory. Judd keeps hoping my dog will eat them, and I know she's tempted, but not happening!
3. Judd wanted toys for Christmas, so he got this remote controlled helicopter. It has video cameras and can fly for miles, so Judd can feel like a super secret agent. He talked me into a Kinect too, so we could get our workout on. Sure... ;)
4. I got my boots! I also got that robe too. Judd hated my previous one, which I've had since high school. He called it the Homeless Muppet, way to make me feel like a hottie, right?!
5. Yes, we dress Bindi up and have her play Santa. Don't judge.
6 and 7. We did a White Elephant party with Judd's family. We got Jett and Izzy some loud, but I think, fun toys!
8. For New Years, we braved the Strip, and I braved a NOFX concert. I felt old for about ten minutes. When I was 16ish, I would have had no issues jumping in a mosh pit with a bunch of dudes. At almost 25, I was terrified! Plus, people were throwing drinks and getting in fights. I hid in a corner and watched my husband go nuts on the middle of the floor with hundreds of other equally crazy guys. Then I felt like a loser, and decided to stop being a wimp. I didn't get in the middle of the action, but found some other wives/girlfriends slightly to the side and danced with them. My dress desperately needs dry-cleaning thanks to the jerk behind me who dumped a drink on it, and my boots are pretty scuffed. But it was a pretty awesome night otherwise! I'd do it again, but maybe next time we'll pick a band I actually know!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, a new blog post! I L.O.V.E. your new boots...and we are robe twinners! I got a new hot pink robe too to replace the one I've had since who knows when. What is it with us and just hanging on to ancient robes like that?! I love Bindi's outfit; we try to put antlers on Tucker and he freaks out :(
    Miss ya!
