Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Just a Merry Lil' Christmas

As much as I'm DYING for the summer to get here (my favorite time of the year), it's always a little sad to say goodbye to the Christmas Season. So here's to a blast from the recent past!

Ben's girlfriend Krystal introduced our family to the joys of Gingerbread House making. But did you know there's ginger bread houses, then there's CHOCOLATE houses? Krystal and I both bought the same kit, without realizing that they weren't actual ginger bread houses. You actually have to melt the chocolate down, freeze it in the molds, then put it together!

Ben and Judd did the putting together portion of it.

Krystal and I were the supreme decorators!

If you know Judd, he HAS to Judd-a-fy his projects. So this house had lights in it!

And here's the final result! Ben said there was a rave going on inside. Those crazy gingerbread men! I gave the house some desert tortoises as a homage to our turtles. 

Alworth Family pic for Christmas Eve! Waaaaaay too much food, but still a lot of fun.

Because of course, you can't have Christmas Eve at the Alworth house without this guy...

Or this guy. "Christmas Vacation" is as much as a holiday staple in my family as cookies and carols.

Looks like Santa decided to stop by our house and give Judd something pretty for his trailer! By the way, check out the awesome "yule log" my station played all morning long, instead of having us come in to do a morning show. Thanks FOX5!

I could be wrong, but I bet the camera would work a little better if I took the Lens Cap off!

Who says these dogs deserve Christmas cookies? They were bad all year 'round!

We then went over to the Kidman house for Christmas morning fun. Of course, all those pictures are still on my new camera, which I'm still figuring out how to use. Definitely NOT a point and shoot!

But we did go see this movie, which I've only been waiting about half my life to come out. (Not exaggerating. If you know me, you know I'm OBSESSED with everything Les Miz).

It featured amazing, tear-inducing performances by these two incredible actors:

 And a stunning performance by Samantha Barks (here's how nerdy I am about this show: I loved her so much as Eponine while she was in the London cast, then in the 25th anniversary special. SO talented!)

And who is this hottie playing my favorite character (besides Eponine), Enjoras?!?!? I must learn more!

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