Sunday, June 28, 2009

Attacked by Burroes!

Attacked by BURROES!!!

Well, kind of. But before I get to that, a few random thoughts:

1.) If anyone deserves to rest in peace, and I mean that sincerely, it’s Michael Jackson. He brought so much to the entertainment world and transformed the way we both listen and watch music. We’re fans and always will be. I don’t care about the controversies that surrounded him. I choose to remember him as an extremely talented individual who was sadly hounded by a jealous and spiteful media.

2.) It’s a bad week to be a celeb, particularly if you hit it off in the 80s. I hope I can turn on my computer tomorrow WITHOUT a dead person’s face being the first thing I see.

3.) While we’re on the topic of dead people, the image of the poor girl from Iran who was killed as she expressed her disgust at her country’s election results is both disturbing and yet slightly empowering as it shows that women finally have a voice there…

4.) Off the topic of dead people: I am an awful visiting teacher. I don’t feel comfortable spying on less actives for the RS.

5.) We’re ticked that Jillian sent home Jake on The Bachelorette. Actually, only I’m ticked because Judd feels that Jake was too boring. I feel he’s her only chance at true love and CAN’T WAIT for him to reappear! I do not want this nice guy to finish last! But we both agree that Wes and his devious plot need to go home NOW! Even though he’s the only one with game, I still can’t believe a smart girl like Jillian can’t see through him.

But on to a happier thought…we were attacked by wild BURROES! They came up to our car and stuck their heads in. Judd wants me to mention how ferocious they are, particularly the one who yelled at us as it charged our car! We were driving by Bonnie Springs today after a pleasant afternoon at Red Rock (sometimes a vacation from churchly duties is nice), and they just walked right up to the car. Of course I had to roll down the window to get a picture, and that’s when they decided we were their friends. I took a video too, but the sound didn’t take for whatever reason. Just imagine a wild burro sticking his head in the driver’s side window and another burro screaming as it charges our car. Scary!

Don’t worry, we didn’t feed them or try to encourage them to come up to us. I guess they’re just used to it from other people.

And we saw our adorable little friend Tweakers! We paid her a visit at the bird sanctuary where she lives now. She looks great and has plenty of little duckling friends to swim with. She didn’t recognize us until she got out of the water with one of her friends. She did her excited ducky dance and came by us. We’re just happy at how well she’s adjusting.


  1. Hey! Its McKenna Dawns friend! Your comments on the bacheloretty are great! I myself am a Jake fan!!

  2. too bad the sound didn't work on that video. That's funny. Can't trust those burros, I guess!
