Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

(this picture is really... really old. I think we're seniors in high school or something. But what a night! Elton John with the bestie!)

There are a ton of people who have gotten me through a lot of things. Judd especially. But when it comes to the person who has gotten me through the MOST, with the exception of my parents... that would have to be NewBurger.

You can call her Sasha. I've called her NewBurger or NewBocker for years, since people rarely can pronounce her awesome last name.

Sasha and I became friends when we took Sex Ed together our freshman year of high school. Fitting. That class is awkward as it is... but it was fun to have a friend to laugh it through with.

So we're celebrating ten years of friendship this year. Ten years of laughter, shopping trips, chocolate cake nights, theatre woes, stupid boyfriends, car rides, and so on.

Sasha is one of those people who is upfront and honest, but gentle at the same time. I've never felt judged around her, but I have been inspired to make changes from her good example. She gives really great advice on everything from fashion to relationships.

This one is to Sasha, one person I will always cherish!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I was born to be brave

It's slightly embarrassing that my new life slogan comes from a Lady Gaga song, but it floats my boat, so I'll deal with it.

I didn't use to be brave. I'd have moments, but I never had the self confidence necessary to prove it, up until a few years ago. I decided I was tired of living in fear of rejection. So I've tried to not let fear get in my way, and so far, it's worked out pretty well.

There's two letters I've been putting off writing for a long time. I've been terrified of rejection from the recipients. Both are letters of apology, but for very different reasons. I don't think either person would want to see me in person, so in the back of my head, I thought if I wrote them letters, perhaps I could make peace with myself and with those people.

One is to a boy I once loved. The other is to my grandmother.

I just finished what I think is the harder one, and that is to the boy, well, a man now. I screwed a lot of things up for him, caused a world of hurt, and it's literally haunted me for years. I have nightmares about it. I should have been a more supportive person. Instead, I let my own selfishness get in the way.

I've sent it off, and there's no turning back.

Now I need to re-humble myself for the next letter.

I'm an awful grand daughter. I have extremely weak relationships with my grandparents, which is pretty pathetic since most of them are still living. One of my grandmothers literally lives about five minutes from me, but I have had no contact with her for about two years.

It's not entirely my fault. She cut off contact with my family after a big fallout. But I feel like I should be the bigger person and maybe try to rekindle something, even if no one else will. Unlike the other letter, I have no idea what I even want to say. But I could start with "hello". I know she's been battling some illnesses for awhile. I hate that she's doing it alone, out of bitterness. I want her to know she has people who still love and care about her.

I guess life is just too short to let scared or negative feelings take over any kind of relationship. Even if these two don't write me back, I'll know I at least tried to make peace.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 8: A Picture that makes you laugh

These are four of my six bridesmaids: Dawn, Sasha, Celina, and Alex. I love the expressions on everyone's faces and I'm dying to know what they were looking at when this picture was taken!

Seriously, I love all of my bridesmaids to pieces. What incredible girls.

Thoughts on current events:

RIP Clarence Clemons. What a musical genius. The man could breathe life into a saxophone like no one else. For those who aren't familiar with the name, you've heard his saxophone in most Bruce Springsteen songs. He's another artist I can add to my list of people I wish I could have seen play a show. And this sucks, because unlike Freddy Mercury, I could have actually seen and appreciated Mr. Clemons.

Casey Anthony: did she or didn't she. Personally, I think she drugged poor little Caylee so she could go out partying, accidentally gave her too much, and panicked. Either that or she's a cold-blooded murderer.

Weinergate: While I'm glad that mess is over for now, I'll miss writing all the clever puns in my news stories. In all seriousness though, what the heck is up with our politicians?

If Americans are open-minded enough to elect a Black President, then there should be no problem with a Mormon one. Run Mitt Run!!

I'm seriously going to miss Oscar Goodman as our city's mayor.

I'm so far behind on The Bachelorette that I can't give an updated opinion other than J.P. is her soulmate and I hope next time they cast someone from Salt Lake City, the person isn't psychotic. Or a jerk.

I'm slightly more than a little tempted to go to the Electric Daisy Carnival. It's all over our newscasts, because two people have died there in two years... and they're bringing it to Vegas. So why would I want to go to a rave? Mainly to be part of the history that will inevitably occur, but I've always wanted to go to a hippie fest. One of the things to check off my to do list.

How am I this late in discovering how awesome Groupon is????

Friday, June 17, 2011

Believing vs. Knowing

I've come to the realization I believe plenty of things... but in all honesty, I really don't "know" how much is 100% true.

Admitting you really don't know something is scary. But sometimes, you just do it, either to get help, deflect blame, or get it out of the way. I'm a skeptical person by nature. When I write stories for the newscasts, I make sure I always attribute iffy facts to someone else, I'm not taking responsibility if it ends up not being true.

I feel like there's this really bad stigma that surrounds questioning things that you've always believed, but want to know if what you're believing is real. "Just have faith," people will say. If I ask a difficult question, I'm either told to pray about it, or just "know" things will work out for the best.

I think it's no secret I'm not the best example of an LDS person. Far from it. I'm fine on my belief in the Gospel... but I seriously struggle with the Church's stances on social issues. I struggle to the point where I start questioning if I really "believe" in what I think I do.

For example... I simply can't grasp the idea that my role in life is to be a full-time mom. I realize I'm walking a very fine line here, since about half the readers of this blog are. I'm not criticizing anyone's decision. I think it's a personal one every woman must make, with the best interest of her family in mind. But to lump every woman in the same category just because of their sex as the primary caregivers of children... like I said... I really have a hard time with this.

I could go on about other religious concerns I have, but that would take forever and quite frankly turn into a major downer.

So what do you do? What happens when you start questioning? Do you continue to believe because you're scared of what will happen if you stop? Do you really just go with it, hoping for the best? Or do you do what I've been doing, which is cutting and pasting the parts of my religion I like... and trying to avoid the parts that make me really uncomfortable. I know that makes me a major fence sitter and it's probably pretty hypocritical, but sometimes it's the best I can do.

It would be really helpful if church leaders were willing to openly discuss some issues. I've brought a few up, but I've always been brushed aside by a "just pray about it" or "the Prophet said so."

If you can honestly say, with 100% certainty, you know instead of believe... that's really good. I wish I were at that point. I have moments, but they're fleeting.

Sorry to take this out on this blog. There was another blog I used to write more touchy feely stuff on, but I haven't touched it in awhile. It's good to get this jumble of thoughts out. By all means, I'm not considering leaving the Church. I'm just trying to sort out some thoughts.

And I would really like to know how other people have dealt with faith concerns. The way people behave at church, you would think no one ever goes through them, but I bet I'm not the only one. Plus, you guys are friends! And I think people here are thankfully pretty open-minded.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Men can sew, who would have thought?

I know, right?
But before we get into that facinating phenomonon, let me backtrack.

We bought a REAL.COUCH. I've been wanting a REAL.COUCH. since, oh, I don't know, the day we moved into our first apartment? We didn't have a couch for almost the first two years, mainly because the apartments we lived in were too small for a couch AND Judd's gigantic LoveSac from his bachelor days. Plus, we figured anyone we invited over was friendly enough to snuggle up on that thing.

We bought the one-armed section of a sectional for the townhouse because we realized not everyone is cuddly. It was cheap, but cozy and functional. Plus, come on, one arm is totally artistic!

But still... I dreamed of the day we'd have a REAL.COUCH. to entertain our friends and family with. We finally had the room with this move. We went to the only place I'll ever buy furniture ever again... the RC Willey Scratch & Dent Center (well, warehouse, but everyone knows that's what it really is).

And we found this:

We're trying to decide whether the naughty Border Collie should be on the couch or not. I think we're leaning towards a cold hard NO.

So the reason the couch was at the Scratch & Dent center was because a few stitches had come up. Somehow... that took nearly $2000 off the price.


I figured someone, somehow, somewhere, would know how to fix this:

But with the new jobs and moving mess, I kind of put it in the back of my head. It would bug me occasionally, especially when Bindi would get her paw stuck in it and tear it some more.

But apparently, this was really bugging Judd. So yesterday... he gritted his teeth together... and busted out a sewing needle.

Seriously... I had no clue he could sew. I sure can't, other than maybe a button. Must have missed that Young Women's activity.


And pretty well too!

The guy's talents never fail to amaze me. What a stud.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 7: A Picture Of Your Most Treasured Item

Yes... the five-year-old in me says my stuffed bunny, Lopsy, is my most treasured item.

I like her much more than any purse, computer, furniture piece, or clothing item I own. I've had my bunny since I was two years old. She went with me to college, on every vacation, and has lovingly sat on my bed since I was a tiny girl. She has been a source of comfort forever.

Lopsy now sits on a shelf. Two reasons: it's not so romantic having a stuffed bunny on the bed, and I have a dog that assumes every stuffed animals is hers to shred. But she's nice and safe there.

Perhaps someday I'll have a little kid who will make friends with this special bunny. That would be cool. I'll never be one of those parents who think it's time to "outgrow" a toy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 6: A Picture Of A Person You'd Love To Trade Places With For One Day

This is a no brainer. I'd love to be Kate Middleton for one day. Beautiful, classy, a strong independent woman. I think she'll make a fantastic queen someday.

I watched the royal wedding live... not just because I had to because I was writing to it... but because I'd been looking forward to it for years. Not gonna lie... when they said their vows in their adorable British accents... I seriously teared up a bit.

Plus... the dress! Absolutely perfect! Actually... I liked kid sister Pippa's dress almost as much. They should make a cheaper version of it... but maybe in a different color.

I've had a crush on these two since I was ten. I've always loved the Royal Family. English royal history is a slight obsession of mine, so I think it's great there's a modern monarchy. Princess Diana is someone I've always looked up to, and I love that her boys turned into such fine gentlemen (and not just cuties... these two serve their country in the military and continue their mother's charity work!). I also had tears when I saw the Princes going into the church together.

So Congrats to Kate... I mean, Catherine Middleton... the new princess!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 5: A Picture Of Your Favorite Memory

I realize a ton of these could be answered with a wedding picture. But since I'm saving it for "My favorite day", I thought I'd go with this one. I also realize at the ridiculously slow speed I'm going, it will probably take me 300 days to complete the 30 day challenge. But I will, mark my words!

I have to throw in the huge effort I'm taking to post this picture. Since I'm not on my regular computer, I don't have access to my pictures. I assumed this was on Facebook... but I guess not. So I had to log into...Myspace... to find it. First time in years, I bet. Anyone still go on there? It's totally weird now... and to think I used to spend HOURS on there in high school! I know I've neglected MySpace and all... but the least they could do is let me download a bigger picture, right?

I digress...

Ever since I was a little girl... I've dreamed of becoming a dolphin trainer. It's the reason I did years of swim team, the reason I switched my college major so many times. I was absolutly convinced I was meant to spend all my days with dolphins.

But I grew up and moved on to dream #2... working in a newsroom. But still, I absolutely love dolphins... and this moment easily ranks in my top five greatest ever.

I did a behind-the-scenes tour/trainer for a day program at SeaWorld for my 18th birthday. It was so amazing, the trainers let me do a ton of stuff they normally don't do... just because they could tell I was really into it. The highlight was riding on a dolphin's back and playing with it in the water. It's really indescribable to be that close to such a awe-inspiring animal.

If you ever get the chance... go swim with a dolphin. I've done it three times now... but I'll never forget this moment as long as I live.