Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 8: A Picture that makes you laugh

These are four of my six bridesmaids: Dawn, Sasha, Celina, and Alex. I love the expressions on everyone's faces and I'm dying to know what they were looking at when this picture was taken!

Seriously, I love all of my bridesmaids to pieces. What incredible girls.

Thoughts on current events:

RIP Clarence Clemons. What a musical genius. The man could breathe life into a saxophone like no one else. For those who aren't familiar with the name, you've heard his saxophone in most Bruce Springsteen songs. He's another artist I can add to my list of people I wish I could have seen play a show. And this sucks, because unlike Freddy Mercury, I could have actually seen and appreciated Mr. Clemons.

Casey Anthony: did she or didn't she. Personally, I think she drugged poor little Caylee so she could go out partying, accidentally gave her too much, and panicked. Either that or she's a cold-blooded murderer.

Weinergate: While I'm glad that mess is over for now, I'll miss writing all the clever puns in my news stories. In all seriousness though, what the heck is up with our politicians?

If Americans are open-minded enough to elect a Black President, then there should be no problem with a Mormon one. Run Mitt Run!!

I'm seriously going to miss Oscar Goodman as our city's mayor.

I'm so far behind on The Bachelorette that I can't give an updated opinion other than J.P. is her soulmate and I hope next time they cast someone from Salt Lake City, the person isn't psychotic. Or a jerk.

I'm slightly more than a little tempted to go to the Electric Daisy Carnival. It's all over our newscasts, because two people have died there in two years... and they're bringing it to Vegas. So why would I want to go to a rave? Mainly to be part of the history that will inevitably occur, but I've always wanted to go to a hippie fest. One of the things to check off my to do list.

How am I this late in discovering how awesome Groupon is????

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