Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

(this picture is really... really old. I think we're seniors in high school or something. But what a night! Elton John with the bestie!)

There are a ton of people who have gotten me through a lot of things. Judd especially. But when it comes to the person who has gotten me through the MOST, with the exception of my parents... that would have to be NewBurger.

You can call her Sasha. I've called her NewBurger or NewBocker for years, since people rarely can pronounce her awesome last name.

Sasha and I became friends when we took Sex Ed together our freshman year of high school. Fitting. That class is awkward as it is... but it was fun to have a friend to laugh it through with.

So we're celebrating ten years of friendship this year. Ten years of laughter, shopping trips, chocolate cake nights, theatre woes, stupid boyfriends, car rides, and so on.

Sasha is one of those people who is upfront and honest, but gentle at the same time. I've never felt judged around her, but I have been inspired to make changes from her good example. She gives really great advice on everything from fashion to relationships.

This one is to Sasha, one person I will always cherish!

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