Monday, June 13, 2011

Men can sew, who would have thought?

I know, right?
But before we get into that facinating phenomonon, let me backtrack.

We bought a REAL.COUCH. I've been wanting a REAL.COUCH. since, oh, I don't know, the day we moved into our first apartment? We didn't have a couch for almost the first two years, mainly because the apartments we lived in were too small for a couch AND Judd's gigantic LoveSac from his bachelor days. Plus, we figured anyone we invited over was friendly enough to snuggle up on that thing.

We bought the one-armed section of a sectional for the townhouse because we realized not everyone is cuddly. It was cheap, but cozy and functional. Plus, come on, one arm is totally artistic!

But still... I dreamed of the day we'd have a REAL.COUCH. to entertain our friends and family with. We finally had the room with this move. We went to the only place I'll ever buy furniture ever again... the RC Willey Scratch & Dent Center (well, warehouse, but everyone knows that's what it really is).

And we found this:

We're trying to decide whether the naughty Border Collie should be on the couch or not. I think we're leaning towards a cold hard NO.

So the reason the couch was at the Scratch & Dent center was because a few stitches had come up. Somehow... that took nearly $2000 off the price.


I figured someone, somehow, somewhere, would know how to fix this:

But with the new jobs and moving mess, I kind of put it in the back of my head. It would bug me occasionally, especially when Bindi would get her paw stuck in it and tear it some more.

But apparently, this was really bugging Judd. So yesterday... he gritted his teeth together... and busted out a sewing needle.

Seriously... I had no clue he could sew. I sure can't, other than maybe a button. Must have missed that Young Women's activity.


And pretty well too!

The guy's talents never fail to amaze me. What a stud.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! i think its super cool when guys know "girly" things like sewing! I know a male avid knitter! makes really cute stuff too! =)
