Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1 year!!!!!!!!!!

I am so ridiculously behind on blogging our life story. I still need to write about our dangerous escapade into the Narrows and our run-in with a ferocious deer that severly injured my car.



I still cannot believe it's been that long! I still feel completly like a newlywed, but I'm not entirely sure I look the same. Different hair and all. Judd's little goatie is gone and his hair is longer...

Sunday was our one year anniversity. To celebrate, we crashed the pool at the Flamingo on Saturday. It wasn't that hard really, considering that they don't ask for a room key.
Then we rode horses at my co-worker's house! Horseback riding is something we've been wanting to get into for a while now. Judd is really good at it, he was cantoring all over the place on "Wally". Due to my past unfortunate experiences on horses (skull fracture), I was a little bit hesitant to be as risky as Judd, but I was able to at least able to get "Rolly" to trot without killing me! We've vowed to get more practice so I can cantor without fear like Judd can...

On our actual anniversary Sunday, I had to finish up a lame research paper that took several hours. We then went on a hike and picnic at Mt. Charleston. We made some faux lobster/crab rolls (stores don't have lobster at 10:00 pm. They also don't open up their deli to sell us crab. So we had to buy imitation crab meat to make lobster rolls, but it still tasted yummy!). We were sore from all the horseback riding we did before so our hike turned into a leisurely walk through this really cool slot canyon. We then watched our wedding video in the car in the middle of the canyon while eating our faux lobster rolls and drinking faux champange (Martinelli).

Completly romantic.

I'm so happy we found each other and that we've been able to be so happy together. I may have made the toast to "another year", but really, it will be forever. I'm glad we made the commitments we did a year ago. It has been a blast, an adventure, and completly worth every minute. I love him and he loves me. That's really all there is...

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