Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good News

Like the rest of the world yesterday, I was glued to the TV watching the dramatic rescue of the Chilean miners who spent over two months trapped underground. At first, I justified having CNN on all day to see how their news producers handled having the same story run for hours on end, because that's generally how breaking news works (I learned that you pull an interview from anyone who may have a feasible opinion, even if it's totally BS like the illusionist they brought on to talk about what it is like to be in a small enclosed space).

Then I decided that I'm becoming a cynic and that really, I just wanted to watch good news for a change, even if it goes for hours on end.

I'm not sure if it's even possible to watch these rescues without shedding at least one tear or two, but the happy kind. I loved watching the families' faces as their loved ones came up the shaft. I loved watching the miners gratitude, especially those who immediately knelt down in prayer. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible it must have been for them underground and how relieved they must be to finally break free of their tomb.

There's so many people who justify their non-belief in God by pointing to horrific accidents, murders, natural disasters, and so and say, "Where was He? Why did He let that happen?" We cannot even begin to fanthom the reasons why some people die horrible deaths while others get rescued in the nick of time. Unfortunately not everyone gets to die of old age in their sleep, you can't plan your manner of death. I like to think that some people are needed a little bit earlier than others.

But what I do know is that God's hand was in this rescue. Those miners were trapped 17 days with little food and water before they were even discovered to be alive. Add that to the 2+ months they were left in the dark. I believe the technology used to save them was inspired, combined with the faith of the miners and their families.

There are miracles every day, and while most don't make international news, they are all around us if we just pause to look.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Great post are the cutest little news lady ever!
