Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday nights are booked... unless you want to watch one of these shows with me!

Forget trying to have Family Home Evenings Monday night... not with all the entertainment between ABC and the CW! (Come to think of it, growing up, my family always had FHE on Sundays anyways). I mean, really, how can I possibly miss the most apologetic Bachelor in the history of television?

Honestly, I could care less that Brad sent home both of his ladies last time around. If he wasn't feeling it, he shouldn't have to be pressured into picking one. I don't think he really needed years of therapy to get over making a wise decision. I just want him to get over it already. The weekly sessions where he sits down with a therapist to discuss how his days are going on this show are stupid, because he basically just gets encouraged to make out with more girls in hopes of finding "The One."

So if you can't stand Apologetic Brad, at least watch for Crazy Michelle. This girl is either the most insanely jealous person ever to be cast on this show... or its best actress. I'm going for the latter... check out her chops in an upcoming LDS chick flick.

Is it me, or does Kirby Heyborne basically play the same character in every movie? Aren't there other young studly LDS actors? Nothing against Kirby, but the guy is 33... playing a college student. Maybe he should be a parent or something in his next movie.

As much as I love The Bachelor (the show, not Brad), part of me wishes this guy had said yes to being the next Bachelor. He wouldn't say the same lines over and over again ("I've changed," "I'm here for the right reasons," "I'm opening myself up to these women."). No, this guy was awesome on The Bachelorette for how sarcastic he was... he subtly made fun of the show while still being adorable.

But no, Hottie Cape Cod Chris has standards and would prefer to fall in love the traditional way... you know... without dating 20 women at once and having those moments shared on national television. And it seems like it's working out for him, he's dating down-to-earth Peyton. Good job Chris!

Out of all the modern conveniences available today, I am most thankful Monday nights for DVR. Otherwise, how else would I get to watch these kids on my other guilty pleasure show?


Even if the story lines are awful, the acting is oftentimes questionable, and I want to throw something at the television every time Vanessa opens her mouth and slap Nate because the guy is sooooooo dumb.

I wouldn't feel complete Tuesday mornings without checking out my favorite recaps/bashings of these shows:

The Bachelor: I'm sure anyone who watches this show knows all about Reality Steve... but he's just too dang awesome to ignore.

Gossip Girl- The Weekly Reality Index is hilarious... but you should be a pretty big fan to appreciate its genius.


  1. Hopefully Michelle is acting cause man o man I wouldn't want the world to know that I was that crazy...

    Love the show because of her! Hahhaa

  2. uhm firstly, there is nothing wrong with a philosophy/history double major (re the movie trailer)

    also, i agree completely that cape cod chris is hotter and more interesting. im just waiting for the next bachelorette cuz i cant deal with the crazy girls...

    also, you should pick up modern family on wednesday nights. it is literally the most hysterical show ive ever seen.
