Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let's keep these...


I'll get Christmas and New Years up in a bit. But first, let's get these written down so I actually follow them!

1. Nutrition

Last year my goal was to eat more fruits and vegetables. I've done pretty good on this one. For 2012, I want to eat more environmentally friendly foods. I have some friends back in Massachusetts that made a lifestyle choice to make sure 75% of the things they eat come from either their amazing garden or somewhere close by. It cuts down on preservatives, supports local farmers, and it helps them eat more healthy things. Being in Vegas, I know it will be challenging to find food that comes from here. But I'm going to figure out this whole farmers market system, and try growing my own. Maybe go in on a free range cow with someone.

2. Exercise
Kinect. Biking. Walk the dog more. Take advantage of the free gym 50 feet away.

3. Spiritual
For this one, I'm going back to the basics. I've kind of given myself a Rumspringa the past few months from church. Nothing too crazy, but just doing things I want to do that may or make not be looked down upon. I still haven't made any decisions yet regarding my future with the church. So what I'm doing is studying what I actually do know to be true. I've taken up a challenge to read my scriptures daily, so I'm focusing on the New Testament, because I do believe in Christ. I'm also following the advice I learned in my Christian group back in Reno, and that is to build those personal relationships with God.

4. Relax!
Stop stressing. Need I say more?

5. Volunteer
I have been wanting to find a cause. I miss the days I used to spend volunteering at the Reno Zoo. So I think I'm going to figure out how to be a volunteer at the Gilcrease Bird Sanctuary. Judd and I have a special spot in our hearts for that place. They gave our duckling a good home. So we want to help them out.

6. Figure out this sewing machine.
I was given a really nice sewing machine for Christmas from my in-laws. I'm determined to learn how to use it well. I really liked sewing as a kid, but haven't done it in years. So far, I made a baby blanket for Celina's new baby Anglie. If you are expecting, expect a blanket from me! It's the only thing I know how to make!

Speaking of things for babies...

7. Make a baby plan.
I'm one of those people that needs a plan for everything. Even if they don't work out, I like having general guidelines. So for this, I need a lot of plans. Specifically, how I will work and be a mom at the same time. I'm not saying this is happening soon, in a few months, even this year. But I figure if I come up with some plans, babies won't freak me out so much. So I'm researching, but no promises!


  1. You should totally plant a garden. I was completely suprised at how many things we did grow successfully in our garden.. especially as first timers- I really counted on failing, but most of our stuff did really well... if you want some help I can tell you about what we planted.. I also have some good info specifically for gardening in our area...

  2. Love your resolutions! I wish I knew how to sew, I bet your baby blankets are as cute as ever ;)

  3. I absolutely love the baby plan one! I know we both have the same opinions on this haha. We have a plan, too, but it won't happen for 7-10 years, but planning is responsible and makes it less scary! I love the warning of "THIS IS NOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT" because you know how many people would be calling you haha. Great blog! :)
