Thoughts on Current Events.
Let's get the serious stuff out of the way first...
For the past few days, Trayvon Martin has dominated my newscasts. I actually heard about the story a few weeks ago, and wondered if it was going to catch on... because it is THAT MESSED UP. Trayvon was the 17 year old in Florida gunned down by a neighborhood watch volunteer. Look, it's one thing to use a gun to defend your family and property. I'm all for that. But to look for someone out of place, armed with only candy in his pockets, that weighs 100 pounds lighter and is just a kid... it really disturbs me. I'm glad people are talking about this, and giving it the attention it deserves. I'm praying for justice for Trayvon.
So what else are people talking about these days? KONY 2012 is so last week, but it's still around. Gotta say, I didn't have the patience or time to watch the whole video, but I at least know the context. Child soldiers... not good. Let's raise awareness. But the organization that put this video out? I'm hearing some fishy stuff. I read one article that I thought was awesome, and I so wish I had the link. But basically, it said if you want to help kids not become soldiers in Africa, donate to organizations that build schools and give kids an education.
So are any of these Republican candidates gonna budge? I feel like I've done nothing but write the same story for the past few weeks. Mitt Romney wins! But no one else will drop out! Why? Seriously... are they going to hang in there until the Republican Convention? Because that's MONTHS away! Let's face it, Santorum is the only one with a chance against Romney at this point, so Gingrich and Paul should save themselves some embarrassment and dignity. I've really tried to like Rick Santorum... just in case. He seems like a decent guy. But he leans way too far to the right when it comes to women's issues, at least in my opinion. And to me... women's health issues like birth control shouldn't be a political thing. Let's not go back to the 50's, alright?
Let's go on to some more depressing news... like March Madness.
My Runnin' Rebels just keep breaking my heart. They do SO GOOD at home... but just don't stand a chance on the road! We went to some games this season, and watched others at B-Dubs. It's been a mostly great seasons... but there were some moments that just crushed my little scarlet and gray spirit. But what I'll remember most?

The Fatheads!!! There's "Mozilla", which quickly became a fan favorite. Two of my anchors loved the fatheads so much, they got someone to make fatheads of them to bring to the games! I wish "The Rebellion" (crazy fanatic student section) existed while I went to UNLV, I totally would have been all into that.
Let's talk about The Bachelor...So since I read Reality Steve, I knew Courtney was the big winner and all for months. Part of me hopes she really isn't that awful and the editors in the back room just had too much fun. I can't imagine being either Ben or Courtney and watching the show back, that just had to be painful. But you know, I think the other girls were too good for him, so maybe these two crazy kids deserve each other.

So now that The Bachelor is over, I can give more time and attention to American Idol! Come on folks, don't have time to follow more than one ridiculous reality show at a time! In all fairness though, I work for a FOX station, so American Idol is kind of our baby.
MUCH better group of contestants this year than in the past few. I haven't been this interested in following the show since Kris Allen and Adam Lambert's season. So far, I like Colton, Jessica, and Hollie sometimes.
But Judd and I have decided this guy is our American Idol!

But Judd and I have decided this guy is our American Idol!

We LOVE Philip Phillips! His name might be ridiculous... but his talent isn't! This week was especially awesome, seeing him stick to his guns rather than listen to Diddy and Tommy Hilfiger (seriously?). Wear gray and play the guitar all you want Philip X 2. It's working!
And here on the home front... we do have some exciting news, but I'm waiting on a few things before I announce it. I'll give you a hint though.
It's NOT a pregnancy announcement (sorry).
But it DOES have to do with babies!
Details later...
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