There's three things I'm torn on this morning. One silly, one serious, and one that could have a bad impact on my sanity.
Let's start with silly...

At what age are you too old to shop at stores aimed at teenagers? American Eagle Outfitters has been my go-to store since high school, mainly because no one else makes jeans like they do, for the price they're asking. Seriously. I love Love LOVE my American Eagle jeans. I rarely buy them anywhere else. Good product, lasts for years.
So this weekend, I needed a new pair. Judd and I headed to Galleria, where we both picked up a new pair of jeans, along with some other cute stuff. As I paid for my clothes, I looked up at the pictures of models all over the wall.
And realized they were easily several years younger than me.
I don't think I've written about my quarter life crisis yet, but turning 25 made me feel OLD! I'm looking around the store and seeing all these kids, and thinking, "Am I too OLD to be shopping here?" Never mind the cashier was probably older than me, and Judd has three decades on him and could care less.
So at what point are you too old to hang out in the junior department, or shop at teeny-bopper stores? It's not like those are the only stores I shop in. I love me some Express and New York & Company. But no one, and I mean NO one, makes jeans like American Eagle.

Earlier, I wrote that what happened to Trayvon Martin was a travesty. But now, that's what I'm thinking about the media coverage of it. I picked these two pictures, because we as a media mis-used them. They're both years old, and give viewers the wrong idea about the people pictured. Trayvon wasn't a little kid when he was killed, and George Zimmerman wasn't a con. Of course, this is what we had to work with for a few days. But now, every time I see either one of these pictures, I cringe.
My thoughts now on the whole thing: Mistakes were probably made on both ends, and I kind of doubt we'll ever get the entire story. I'm concerned someone will go after Zimmerman, so maybe he should be in police protection for his own good. I think everyone, myself included, probably blew this thing out of proportion before enough facts were out there. So at least in my newscast... I'm doing my best to make sure the stories even out as far as which side they take.

Ugh... I don't know what to do about our house. Remember how I said I had news that wasn't a pregnancy, but baby related? We were going to get another puppy, but the lady who owns our house had a change of heart on the whole thing, and without a really good explanation. It's a long story, but we feel kind of led on by the whole thing, and it put a bad taste in our mouths. We've heard so many complaints about the people who lived in this house before we did, and not trying to sound pretentious or anything, but I think the homeowner is lucky to have us as renters. We haven't destroyed the house, threatened our neighbors (I guess this happened to several people), or done anything wrong. All we did was ask if we could bring in another dog, and it turned into a mess.
So Judd and I feel we should look at our other options regarding where we should live. Our lease is up in a month, and if we're going to move, now is the time to do it. It's not just the dog thing. We could be paying less somewhere else, or pay the same and get a really cool upgrade.
But we LOVE this house and the neighborhood. And I HATE moving. This would be our fifth move if we do it. There's just a lot of pros and cons on the whole thing to weigh. Basically, it better be a fantastic deal if we're going to leave.
Great post!
ReplyDelete1- For work, stick with NY & Co., but denim is denim, and if you love AE, get them girl! :)
2- I agree. I am very torn on this topic of the Martin/ Zimmerman case. What is truth? What is media hype? It's a sad story, but what is real anymore?
3- The house thing is a hard decision... Don't worry about the number of moves because quality is better than quantity, and if you can have better quality of rent and home elsewhere, do that. Do what makes the two of you happy :)
heck yes on the new puppy! I am excited to hear that news :) Any pet is lucky to have you guys as owners, seriously you're awesome. But, that whole house situation sucks. You guys should buy a house. The market is killer right now and a mortgage would be cheaper than rent in Vegas anyways...well, cheaper in any good neighborhood that isn't going to take license plates off your car! We could live in the same neighborhood if ya catch my drift ;) Love you guys!!!