Thursday, May 21, 2009

DUCKLING!!!!! (among other things!)

So we have this adorable little duckling staying with us for a little while. The name she came with is "Tweaker". We're not really sure whether it is a boy or a girl, we just like calling her a girl. Someone brought her into my animal hospital last Monday and said that her mama duck abandoned her before she had even hatched. One of my coworkers wanted her, but because she was going to be gone for a week, I volunteered to take her! So now we have this little duck living with us. She's a week and a half now, and we'll probably keep her a few more weeks until she's a bit bigger. She grows like crazy though every day, so who knows how long that will last! She absolutly loves us though, she cries if she can't see us and she is a little cuddler. She especially likes Judd, she likes to crawl up and sit on his shoulder! It's going to be hard taking her to the bird sanctuary when she's bigger, but we're just enjoying her cute company while it lasts!
In other news, I am still shocked at the American Idol Finale last night!!!!! I so wanted Adam "Glambert" to win because of his amazing voice and theatrics (I went to LVA, gotta love the dramatic one!). Judd was voting for Kris the whole time, so he was pleasently surprised when Kris took the title. I like Kris too, I just really liked Adam and Allison. We were Danny fans for a little while during Hollywood week, but he stopped wearing his wedding band and I found that kind of unromantic. I know he's a widower and all, but for all the hype about that, he still could act slightly married, right? It will be interesting to see what happens to everyone now...especially Adam! He had my vote ever since I saw a YouTube clip of him as Fiyero in Wicked, which increased his likability points for me! His "Mad World" and U2's "One" (thanks Simon for calling Bono and getting permission for him to sing that!) interpretations...pure genius!
So a bunch of my friends that were in my high school class of 2005 are graduating college this year. At first I was kind of bummed that I was still going to college while they will be done, but I've kind of had a change of heart in the past few days. I may still be in school, but at least I'm in a major where I can get a "real" and exciting job in the media afterwards as opposed to the many who went to school for theatre and will be just like every other struggling actor in this rough economy. Not to offend my friends, they are extremely talented and deserve to do well. I think I had just a couple extra bumps that prolonged my education that they didn't have, such as getting married, having to work a lot of hours that I could have used to take more classes with, and having to pay for a huge portion of my education out of my own pocket (well, mine and Judd's pockets) instead of relying on my parents to foot the bill, housing, food, etc. Not that any of those things are bad, it just makes for a longer road, that's all. Besides, I like school. As much as I would like to graduate soon, I really enjoy learning and will miss it when I'm done.
Well, there goes my thoughts for this morning!


  1. the duckling is so cute. My family had a baby duck for a few months when I was a kid- he used to swim in our cereal bowl, and we would take it on walks, etc. We loved that duck- then my sister accidentally stepped on it. So sad. And I hear you about is nice to learn and feel like you're doing something worthwhile with your time, getting an education and all, but it is also SOOOOOO nice not to have the stress of tests and assignments when you're done!!!!! Do you get the summer off from classes?

  2. I wish I had the summer off like I did back when I was a kid, but no, I'm trying to plow through it now! But they're online classes which barely count as "summer school" for me because I don't have to actually attend school. I can't wait to not have tests though someday, I hear you there!

  3. Don't worry Kristen! I'm still goin to school too! It is kinda weird thinking that we should be done though...And your little duckling is so cute! You guys just have a regular farm down there don't you?!
