Friday, November 18, 2011


I've dropped the "associate" from my title. Now I'm a Producer. Of my own news show.

Granted, it's the 4:30 a.m. Not the audience or ratings that the 10 p.m. gets... but people actually get up and watch my show. I get some airtime myself whenever I run the "Question of the Day" segment where I share what viewers are thinking on air. I'm given four and a half hours to come up with the best show possible. Then I have to sit in the booth, direct the anchors, and pray it all goes well.

It's the most overwhelming job I've ever had. It's the busiest I've ever been, and maybe the most stressed out. There's days I want to throw my computer against the wall, and sometimes I swear like a sailor when a technical glitch happens on-air. Usually not out loud though.

But I love it. This is what I've fought for years for, and what I think I'm meant to do, at least for the time being.

I talked to one of my oldest friends this morning that's known me since freshman year of high school. She told me that I'm the most successful out of our group of mutual friends. I quickly told her in no way was that true. Everyone has been successful in their own way. Others have gone on to great jobs, bought houses, graduated, and so on. She's about to be a mom. I think that is a huge accomplishment and something far better than what I'm doing.

But I was thinking about it, and I feel like everything has kind of come full circle. I used to look at my group of friends from high school and get so insanely jealous... because each and everyone of them had been cast in a show except for me. For the longest time, I considered it my biggest failure that I was part of the ten percent of students to get into LVA, and couldn't get myself cast to save my life.

But now I realize I just hadn't realized what my niche was. I thought I was meant to be an actress. I was really good at tech work, and I could write really well. I liked these things, but kind of ignored them as talents, because I was so focused on why I wasn't getting cast. But I look back now, and realize that the tech and writing experience I gained there was a big stepping stone to where I am now. I gained invaluable knowledge that I still use every day, both in high school and in college.

I'm not sure where I was going with this, other than getting some jumbled thoughts out, but I guess if anything, I would say to take a look at some things you know you can do, but just take for granted. Is there a talent hiding that you can turn into something awesome? Sometimes I think I'm way to busy to try and learn something new. But thinking about this makes me want to do a self-examination and see if I'm ignoring anything else.

Thoughts on Current Events:

Investigators are re-opening the death investigation of Hollywood starlet Natalie Wood. My anchors saved the "What kind of wood doesn't float" joke for commercial break, thank goodness. Because it was the first thought I had when I got this story. In all seriousness though, even if the case is 30 years old, justice is justice. If that woman was murdered, the truth should get out there.

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are no more. Not a huge surprise. I hoped these two would beat the odds and prove cougars have some game... but I guess not.

21 Occupy Las Vegas protesters were arrested yesterday as they SAT on Las Vegas Boulevard, blocking traffic. One protester we talked to said getting arrested was "fun and exciting", and that they went out there knowing it would happen. Another said he hopes people will now take them seriously. OK, so I could maybe agree partially with their message... but I thought these people were mostly upset because they were out of work. So wouldn't trying to get arrested defeat trying to get a job? I don't know. Too many mixed messages.

UNLV Basketball continues to dominate and give the school something to be proud of. UNLV GO FIGHT WIN!!!!!!

And I'm hosting my first ever major family dinner for a lot of people. I think it's like 14 or something. It's the pre-Thanksgiving Italian Shenanigans Wednesday night. I'm having all these extended family members show up at my house, where I'm supposed to have this fantastic Italian meal prepared. Somewhere in me, a domestic goddess will hopefully make an appearance and I will pull this off. Because that's a lot of food. And a lot of work. Thanks Mom for volunteering me for this. But you're handling actual Thanksgiving, so I can't complain too much!

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