Tuesday, July 20, 2010


(I wrote this a week ago, but was holding out until we found our runaway camera to post. The camera still refuses to reappear, so here we go...)

-Judd here, I know, its usually Kristen writing in this but she wants me to contribute a bit. We had an awesome time the other day at the endurocross. I was most impressed with how much Kristen got into it and was cheering riders on. The actual obstacles they were going over didn't seem too bad, probably the most challenging part would be the other riders, it was like demolition derby on motorcycles. There were so many brutal crashes but the pro's really stood out by how smooth and elegant they took the obstacles. The whole time Molly, Kristen and my dad were echoing what was going on in my head that I should be out there too. I've never raced competitively before but it would definitely be fun to try. Though its likely they are thinking I'd be more suited to this sport due to my perfecting of the art of the high-speed casual dismount. anyway, back to Kristen...

~Kristen: As part of my continuing initiation into the dirt-biking world, Judd and I went to EnduroCross on Saturday with Molly and Mike and Judd's dad who awesomely got us tickets! I had never been to something like this before, but it was SO COOL! It made me feel a little more relaxed about Judd's dirt-bike trips, since before I always worried he'd get really hurt. Well, these guys were falling all over the place, but they'd dust themselves off and get right back on their bikes. My favorite rider was Ricky Dietrich, mainly because he seemed so bad-A, plus he looked super cool in his black/white/pink/yellow striped gear. I just got really annoyed with him though when he would get so close to being #1, but immediately goof and fail to place in the main event.

I'm trying to get Judd to compete in November's EnduroCross amateur event since he claims that he could pull those stunts easily!

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