Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Bindi!

Yesterday was Bindi's 1st Birthday!

We actually don't have an exact date of Bindi's birth since she was born under her breeder's house and they think the pups were a few days old when they found them... so we chose the 29th (close enough, right?) to celebrate because it's also the anniversary of the day we met...through our second favorite Border Collie Nel!

Follow me?

I'll break this down by pictures:

So this is me three years ago with my puppy friend Nel. Some friends and I decided to be sneaky and use a puppy to make ourselves stand out at a regional YSA activity. Come on, there was going to be hundreds of people there, gotta make a statement...

...and it worked! He asked me "her name", I said mine, and the love story went up from there! This picture is also from that night...little did we know we just met the person we were going to marry!

A couple of years later, we decided to honor the border collie that brought us together by getting one of our own. We saw this picture in a KSL ad for border collie puppies and just hoped the one in the middle was still available...

...and we adopted her and named her Bindi! We were supposed to wait until Christmas to take her home, but that was too long so we got her Thanksgiving weekend 2009. This picture was taken at Bindi's first Flyball Tournament (love the pink poodle scrubs!).

And now Bindi and Nel are besties! Well, kind of. They're on the same Flyball team and we've babysat Nel and her brother Roo, so they do see each other quite a bit. I think Nel sees Bindi as the annoying little kid that just bugs her, but now that they're competing with each other as teammates, I hope they get along better!

So Happy Birthday Bindi! We love her so much and are so happy she came to live with us and be our pseudo-kid. And yes, make fun of me all you want, but I did wrap her present, make her homemade dog treats, and invite our friends Rebecca and Jared over for dinner so they would bring her friend Alfred to play with!

1 comment:

  1. Too cute! Happy Birthday Bindi! Don't be ashamed, I wrap Roxy's birthday and Christmas presents too. I even light a candle on her birthday cupcake and sing happy birthday to her :)

