Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A "Wasted" Vote

Judd and I took advantage of early voting a few weeks ago. Why not hit two birds with one stone, shop at Galleria and do our duties as citizens?

While we both voted for who we individually felt would be good candidates, we were stumped on who to vote for as our Senator. We didn't like either any of the choices available. I refuse to vote straight Republican just because I am one, I truly believe in picking the best person for the job, and we both felt that none of the candidates were the "best".

Luckily in Nevada, there is a "none of these candidates" option, so that is what we chose for this question.

I've been told several times that I "wasted" this vote by picking that option. I "gave away" my vote to someone else.

Obviously someone will become our new (or current) senator tonight. I'm not thrilled about the choices I was given and I hope that whoever the new senator is will rise above expectations and help our state.

In 1844, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were in a similar situation. They all really wanted to do their duty as citizens and vote, but unfortunately, none of the presidential candidates were sympathetic to their cause. They could not feel good about voting for any of those options. Prophet Joseph Smith stepped up and decided to run for president. He obviously wasn't going to win, but he ran so the Saints could have a peaceful conscience with their vote.

Voting is a right people, especially women and minorities, worked hard to make happen in this country. I feel it is important to honor their sacrifices by voting today. We shouldn't complain about our leaders if we didn't do anything to help or discourage their election.

In choosing "none of these candidates," we express our opinion that none of the candidates shared views that are consistent or close to our own, therefore we cannot select any of them. If the chosen candidate does terrible in office, we can have a peaceful conscience knowing we didn't help put them there. There's no such thing as a perfect candidate, and people do make mistakes, but there's no reason why we should have to vote for someone we obviously do not agree with.

This election is extremely tight today, and in Nevada, every vote really does count. So wherever you are, take a few moments to cast a ballot. If anything, you get a sticker that might give you a discount somewhere!

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