Monday, November 29, 2010

Black Friday...

The shopaholic/consumer in me says Black Friday is the best day of the year. Growing up in my house, Thanksgiving was spent with my mom pouring over ads while watching the Macy's Parade and mapping out the best game plan for the morning. We would determine who had the best doorbusters, who was giving away free stuff, where the on-demand ticket items were, and so on.

Early...and I mean EARLY... the next morning, we would get all bundled up and go stand in the lines. I would get sent to one department store and my mom would take over the other. Part of the game plan was to run into the store, grab the free item and doorbusters, pay, then run into the other store and meet up. We seriously have a shelf full of our JCPenney's snow globes! It was the perfect mother and daughter bonding experience.
This year, my mom wasn't able to go. I wasn't sure if I really even wanted to get up early, especially since I had work that day.

But then I saw this bracelet in a JCPenney ad...

2 CT. Diamond. Silver.
Door buster sale for $99, down from almost $700.

I'm not even really a fine jewelery kind of person, but I've wanted a diamond bracelet ever since our honeymoon in the Caribbean, where the diamond industry is huge. I saw them everywhere there... but we figured we should probably use our money at the time to eat shrimp every night instead.

For any other deal, I would have happily gone down myself to the store at 4 in the morning... but this is a romantic gift, so I figured Judd should be the one to buy it for me.

So being the romantic dude he is, Judd accompanied me to JC Penney before the crack of dawn. We found the one outside door with 5 people in front of it instead of 500, which was also conveniently located by the jewelery department. At 4 a.m. sharp, the doors opened and we flew in. We were the first ones in the jewelery department, and there it was!

Once the bracelet was purchased, Judd realized there are HUGE advantages to waking up this early on Black Friday. He couldn't believe the major sales and how cheap everything was, particularly a remote-control helicopter he'd been eyeing for awhile (Oh Judd and his toys...)! It really is a rush to see everything you've wanted for a quarter of the price...

Don't worry, we're not completely selfish. We got almost everyone covered that day as far as gifts go.

I know it's best to be frugal, but I honestly believe it's perfectly okay to spoil yourself every now and then. It doesn't have to be huge or extreme, but it's good to be good to yourself. And if you give to others in the process, the better! And what better way to do it when everything is cheaper anyway?

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