Monday, August 23, 2010


Today is the first day of my last semester of college! I am in total shock/excitement that this day is actually here. I've been doing the college thing for a little longer then I envisioned when I first started 5 years ago, but now that I'm here, I think all the extra time was worth it. I've really enjoyed being a student for the most part and I know I'll miss it. I would do grad school, but I'm in such a great position when I graduate to have a great career ready to go that I'm not sure it would be worth it. I've made so many awesome friends throughout the years, particularly my Studio G crew. Being stuck with the same people every day putting a show together either brings you closer or makes you crazy, so fortunately it's the former in our case!

I'm so glad I married someone so supportive of my schooling. I know in so many cases, the wife usually works/has kids while the husband finishes school. We got a lot of questions about that for the past few years, and I know a lot of people were concerned that I was going to school when they felt it really should have been Judd. I guess all I can say is that it was a decision we made before we got married, and it was a sacrifice Judd wanted to make for this family. It's perfect, really. Now that I will have a degree, I will be able to work a job that can support us while Judd goes full time, where I was unable to do that a few years ago. That way I feel like I "did something" with my degree before we get around to having kids! I really want Judd to enjoy school and get the degree that he's already earning the life experience for, so I can't wait for him to start this spring.

But anyways, I fully plan on living up the college experience (minus the boozing and sleeping around) for the next 4 months and enjoying it while it lasts! And to participate in my college experience, I will shamelessly plug in our daily news show for your viewing experience! We will air at 1:30 Mondays-Fridays at!