Monday, May 24, 2010

St. George Awesomeness Part 1!

This past weekend, Judd and I took a much needed trip to Saint George! Hiking, shooting, camping, weddings,'s all in there! Since we did so much in so little time with too many pictures, I have to split this blog entry up!

So Friday, I was so proud of us for only leaving an hour behind schedule instead of the usual 3 or 4. We went straight to Cedar City first so we could play with our lovely friends Dawn and Tyson. They made us this fantastic ranch/chicken/bacon pizza, then to work off all those calories, we went SHOOTING! It was a blast (ha ha), except for the horrific moment I thought Bindi got shot. We were letting her run around, and she was doing okay with the gun noises until we started shooting Judd's gun. She decided she was gun-shy and took off for the car. I went to go let her in, turned my back for a second, and she was gone. Normally when you call her, she comes right away, but this time, nothing. I panicked. Everyone started calling her and looking for her, and finally, Dawn had the common sense to look under the car, where she found a shaking, but otherwise unharmed Bindi! Once I knew my puppy wasn't bleeding out somewhere, I relaxed and hit my first glass bottle from a distance!

After shooting and playing this really fun dice game, we left for our hotel in Saint George. The next day we realized we left our clothes for the wedding at home, so we had to do shopping (awww, man!) to get new ones. I picked out this dress that looked okay, but was really short on, but that's what leggings are for! We headed up to Pine Valley for the wedding and to pick out a camp spot...

...which was right next to a stream! We thought Bindi was a wimp and was scared of water, but she decided to jump right in! She ran back and forth across this stream until she decided she was in fact scared of water...on the other side. 5 minutes before we had to leave for the wedding. We're all dressed up. Judd was her big rescuer, jumped over the stream in church clothes, grabbed the dog, and jumped back over without even a splash!

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